語学学校はCork Language Centre Internationalに決めました!
- 1年を通しての生徒の平均年齢は28歳と比較的高く、落ち着いている。
- 学校の建物内で無線LANが使える。
- 1975年に創設された。←生まれが同じ!親しみを感じた。
学校のサイトから、General Englishコース ・ ホームステイの3週間分を予約した。
学校への支払い予定金額Total: EUR1,174
【 内訳 】
- General Englishコース授業料: EUR594
- 滞在費(ホームステイ): EUR515
- ホームステイの登録料: EUR65
学校からwelcome letterとホストファミリーの情報を送ってくれるようだ。
念の為、現地に着いてからのBusiness CourseまたはTOEIC courseへの変更が
可能かどうか質問してみた。TOEIC courseについては週4時間(EUR70)の午後のコースなので、
I have decided Cork Language Centre International.
【the reason】
- the average age is 28 years old it’s high comparatively through out the year.
- We can use the internet on my laptop by wireless LAN in the school.
- This school was established in 1975. ←It is same as my age!
I booked the General English course and homestay for three weeks on the school site and paid EUR190 by a cerdit card as a deposit.
(There is a 2% levy on credit card payments.EUR193.8)
Then I will pay tuition and accommodation fees in full 15 days in advance.
Amount: EUR1,174
【 Details as follows 】
- tuition of General English course: EUR594
- accommodation fee(Homestay): EUR515
- administrative charge: EUR65
I received an e-mail from Ms.Joelle of C.L.C.I. immediately. I suppose to recieve a welcome letter and the family details within 7 days. And I asked her by reply if I change to the business course or TOEIC course during my stay.
She wrote, “The business english course only took place from mid June to mid September.” But, I knew it was possible to join the Toeic afternoon option when I was there. This afternoon option costs an extra ャ 70 per week. I am thinking…